I’m walking 486 miles for the John Muir Award

by backpackingbongos

On the 1st August 2016 I will leave Denver and walk 486 miles across the Rocky Mountains to Durango. Over the space of 6 weeks I will pass through eight mountain ranges, six National Forests and six wilderness areas. The trail rises to 13,271 feet with an average altitude of 10,300 feet. There are 89,000 feet of ascent and descent before I get to Durango. It’s a big physical challenge and a huge mental one, as I will be hiking alone and unsupported. All gear and food will be carried and most nights will be spent in a tiny tent in the wilderness

Being passionate about the wild places both in the UK and abroad, I have decided to raise money for the John Muir Award. The aim of the award (run by the John Muir Trust) is to encourage participants to increase their awareness, understanding and engagement with nature and wild places. When more people connect with nature and wild places, more people will care for nature and wild places.

The trip is self funded so all money raised will go straight to the John Muir Award. Although a bit clunky to use I have decided to set up a page with Givey.com. That means that every penny you donate goes direct to the John Muir Award.

You can donate here.

3 Responses to “I’m walking 486 miles for the John Muir Award”

  1. What food are you carrying for 6 weeks? Are you having any supply drops?


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