Archive for November 14th, 2009

November 14, 2009

A perfect dawn

by backpackingbongos

As I write this I should be striding across the rounded shoulders of the Howgill fells.  Once again nature has conspired against me, with forecast storms it did not look like an ideal weekend for backpacking so has been placed on the back burner.  Luckily the bad weather has coincided with a cold which means postponing sleeping out in a tent even easier!

At this time of year I look forward to those all too rare calm sunny days and frosty nights.  For me there is nothing worse than walking on a cold damp winters day to then go and spend 16 hours huddled in a tiny wind blasted tent before repeating the experience the next day.  I much prefer the crunch of frost underfoot and distant views during the day and then the freezing star filled night followed by the perfect dawn.  The long nights mean that I have had a good long sleep and am often awake as the horizon is brightening and the sky is changing colour.  You can’t beat laying snuggled in a warm sleeping bag with a cup of coffee waiting for the first rays of the sun to hit the tent and melt the frost.

On my recent Scottish trip I had a magical moment whilst on Islay, opening the bothy door to an orange horizon with the calm sea and the clouds changing colour.  A few photos were taken and I feel that I should bore you with one more!


I am now keeping my fingers crossed that next weekend is calm and settled, if not I suppose there is the weekend after that.  I am determined to get out backpacking and experience the ‘perfect dawn’ as soon as possible.  Surely there must be one good weekend before Christmas?  I am lucky in that I don’t have too many weekend commitments, plus an understanding non hill walking partner who is more than happy to have the house to herself for a weekend!

A cancelled backpack however has given me the opportunity for a walk tomorrow nearer to home in the Peak District.  I have not visited for a while, so this afternoon will be spent with maps spread out trying to decide where to go.  Any suggestions?